Workshop on American marble beef at Karlsson restaurant, Astana, Kazahstan

The American Meat Export Federation (USMEF) held a workshop on American beef at the restaurant Karlsson, Astana, Kazakhstan on July 3, 2017.

Topic: alternative cuts.
The master-class was conducted by Pavel Galkovsky, the brand-chef of the network of steakhouses "T-Bone".
The head of the USMEF office Galina Kochubeyeva and the chief of the Karlsson restaurant Dusan Perech provided support and assistance to the facilitator throughout the event.
Present chefs of Astana, and they gathered 35 people, could see alternative cuts and beef muscles of Tob Blade, Hanging Tender, Brisket, Flaps, and also possible steaks from them - Flat Irone, Top Blade steaks, Cuff.