Porterhouse & Тwice - Baked Potatoes for two

Бифштекс с печёным картофелем для двоих


1 Beef Porterhouse or T-Bone steak, 1” thick (approx. 1 lb)
1 pkg. (10 oz) frozen twice-baked potatoes, any variety


1/2 tsp garlic salt
1/4 tsp seasoned pepper

1. Cook potatoes according to package directions; keep warm.

2. Meanwhile combine garlic salt and seasoned pepper; press evenly into both sides of Beef steak.

3. Heat large nonstick skillet over medium heat until hot. Place steak in skillet; cook 14 to 17 minutes for medium-rare to medium doneness, turning once.

4. Remove bone; carve Beef crosswise into slices. Serve with potatoes.

20 minutes, 2 servings.

Source: National Cattlemen's Beef Association.


